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Information about the ThemePark plugin.

Commands and Permissions

/themepark helpDisplay the help list.
/themepark menuOpen the attraction menu.
/themepark itemGet the attraction menu item.
/themepark region listGet a list of all the regions.themepark.admin
/themepark region create <Region ID> <Name>Create a new region with ID and displayname.themepark.admin
/themepark region name <Region ID> <Name>Change the name of a region by ID.themepark.admin
/themepark region material <Region ID> <Material>Change the item of the region in the attraction menu by ID.themepark.admin
/themepark region remove <Region ID>Delete a region by ID.themepark.admin
/themepark attraction listGet a list of all the attractions.themepark.admin
/themepark attraction warp <Attraction ID>Warp to an attraction by ID.
/themepark attraction create <Attraction ID> <Region ID> <Name>Create a new attraction with ID, region ID and displayname.themepark.admin
/themepark attraction name <Attraction ID> <Name>Change the name of an attraction by ID.themepark.admin
/themepark attraction cover <Attraction ID> <Cover>Change the cover image of an attraction by ID.
Only applicable if ThemeParkPanel is used!
/themepark attraction status <Attraction ID> <Status>Change the status of an attraction by ID.
Available statuses are listed below.
/themepark attraction location <Attraction ID>Change the location of an attraction to your current location by ID.themepark.admin
/themepark attraction remove <Attraction ID>Delete an attraction by ID.themepark.admin
/themepark status name <Status> <Name>Change the name of a status.themepark.admin
/themepark status color <Status> <Color>Change the color of a status.
For example: &4
/themepark status hex_color <Status> <Color>Change the HEX color of a status.
For example: #3498db
Only applicable if ThemeParkPanel is used!
/themepark status material <Status> <Material>Change the material of a status in the attraction menu.themepark.admin
/themepark status teleport <Status> <Teleport?>Set if players can teleport from the attraction menu at a specific status.
Available: true / false
/themepark ridecount get <Attraction ID> <Player>Get the ridecount of a player by an attraction ID.themepark.admin
/themepark ridecount add <Attraction ID> <Selector> <Amount>Add an amount to the ridecount of a (set of) player(s). Use the Minecraft selector to select players. For example: @a[region=myrideregion]themepark.admin
/themepark ridecount total_type <Type>Change for which interval ridecount values will be valid.
Available: DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, TOTAL (Where TOTAL is always valid)




ThemePark provides a status sign which shows the status of an attraction and can teleport players to the attraction at click.

<Attraction ID>

The first line can be changed in the settings.yml. Make sure to adapt at creation.


ThemePark provides a TrainCarts sign for adding to the ridecount of an attraction.

<Attraction ID>


Information about the ThemeParkConnector plugin.


  • /tpc reload - Reload the plugin.
  • /tpc redeem <Voucher> - Redeem a voucher for a show.
  • /tpc state <Attraction ID> <Button ID> <State ID - Change the state of a button for an attraction at the online panel. Most of the time, you use this command in a commandblock.


  • themepark.admin - All the other functions who are for admins!
  • themepark.control - Needed to control attractions on the panel


Control sign (for online panel):

<Attraction ID>

Ticket sign (for online panel):

[Scanner Tag]
<Show ID>
<Hour>:<Minute>( <Day>-<Month>-<Year>)

Options between ( ) are optional. The scanner tag can be found in settings.yml.



  • /themeparkplus opengate <World> <X> <Y> <Z> [ARG 1] [ARG 2] - This command opens a gate. If you fill in a number of players in ARG 1, it will close if that amount of players passed the gate. If you fill in a direction in ARG 1, it will only let the players through the gate if the walk in that direction. If you fill in a direction in ARG 2, it will only let the players through the gate if the walk in that direction. But you also need to use ARG 1, with a amount of players for this.
  • /themeparkplus closegate <World> <X> <Y> <Z> - This command closes a gate.
  • /themeparkplus lampon <World> <X> <Y> <Z> [Seconds on] - This command will turn on a redstone lamp. If you fill in an amount of seconds, it will go off after that amount of seconds.
  • /themeparkplus lampoff <World> <X> <Y> <Z> - This command will turn off a redstone lamp.
  • /themeparkplus lampson <World> <X1> <Y1> <Z1> <X2> <Y2> <Z2> [Seconds on] - This command will turn on all the redstone lamps in the region. If you fill in an amount of seconds, they will go off after that amount of seconds.
  • /themeparkplus lampsoff <World> <X> <Y> <Z> - This command will turn off all the redstone lamps in the region.


  • ThemeParkPlus.OpenGate - The opengate command permission
  • ThemeParkPlus.CloseGate - The closegate command permission
  • ThemeParkPlus.LampOn - The lampoff command permission
  • ThemeParkPlus.LampOff - The lampoff command permission
  • ThemeParkPlus.CreateFPSign - The fastpass sign create permission


Fastpass Machine:

<Ride ID>

Fastpass Checker:

<Teleport or gate location -> X:Y:Z>


If you create your first waitingrow for an attraction, you have to make a selection of the row with the WorldEdit wand ( left click for Pos1, right click for Pos2), and create an WorldGuard region with that selection.

<Ride ID>
[Region ID]

The Region ID is only needed if it's the first sign for that Ride.

Malfunction GUI:
